Product Information

AS-3008 Gasket Shellac

ALSEAL Gasket Shellac is a hard setting, slow drying liquid for gaskets repairing and sealing. It can seal the metal gasket and threaded connections for light duty service. It is suitable also for felt, paper, rubber and composite gaskets applications.
  • Good fuel resistance

  • Flexible when dried

  • Increases reliability


A hard setting, slow drying liquid for gaskets repairing and sealing. It can seal the metal gasket and threaded connections for light duty service. It is suitable also for felt, paper, rubber and composition type gaskets applications. It remains flexible when dry, and exhibits good fuel resistance. It helps to improve reliability, saves time and labour, and can be cleaned up easily.


Close-fitted machined parts, hose and threaded connections and other general assembly works. Suitable for felt, paper, rubber and composite gaskets applications.

Colours: Dark brown, honey liquid


59 ml

Inner Box


Carton Quantity

144 bottles